Vanhelgd parts with drummer and founding member Björn Andersson.

Reality sucks. Björn moved to Stockholm in December 2015 and it´s been hard for Vanhelgd to rehearse on a regular basis due to the geographical distance. Vanhelgds song writing process demands regular rehearsals and a full lineup. When making plans for the future we all came to the conclusion that the situation made it hard for Björn to continue in the band. We part as friends and we wish him all the best with future endeavors and hope that Ocean Chief will benefit from not having him distracted with Vanhelgd!

Mathias Westman from King of Asgard and Throne of Heresy will help us out with the drums on our upcoming shows.

Björn writes:

“I wanna thank my fellow bandmates for the last nine years of making music together. It’s been a pure pleasure and “Temple of Phobos” feels like the perfect way to end my Vanhelgd journey. I wish the band the best of luck in the future, and big thanks to all of you who supported Vanhelgd this far! See you in the front row on future shows!”

Mattias adds:

“Björn and I have made music together since 1999. We did about 8 releases and a lot of shows together in the jam session and when the band was put on ice in 2007 he soon came up with the idea to start up something new with Jimmy and me. We had no plans, just to do what we liked the most: write and rehearse fucked up music. Björn has been a big part of the Vanhelgd sound, he has a really good ear and feeling for music and has great ideas and often does the unexpected with the riffs presented.
Tack som fan Björn det har varit ett sant nöje!
Ett stort lycka till med framtida projekt!”